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Support for the co-partnership strategy of the Francophone African Alliance for Water and Sanitation (Coalition Eau)

Support for the formalization of the AAFEA strategy (West Africa)


Appui à la stratégie de co-partenariat de l'Alliance d'Afrique Francophone pour l'Eau et l'assainissement (Coalition Eau)

Appui à la formalisation de la stratégie de l'AAFEA (Afrique de l'Ouest)


Evaluation of the 1% merger project  (pS-Eau)

On-going evaluation of the dynamics of bringing together the networks in charge of coordinating the 1% Water, 1% Energy, 1% Waste systems

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Improvement of sorting practices on the Transition Campus 

Support for improving practices on the site through concrete experiments (Forges, Ile-de-France)


Support for a solution
reduction of post-harvest losses (Fasep)

Prepare the implementation of a first pilot of the mobile fruit and vegetable processing solution (Côte d'Ivoire). 


Socio-economic survey and
satisfaction with waste collection

Evaluate the performance of the SANITA-Villes Propres system funded by donors
international (Guinea Conakry)


Identification and evaluation of initiatives
plastic collection

Evaluate recycled plastic supply opportunities (North America, Africa, Asia)


Industrial waste market study

Assess the opportunities for setting up a hazardous waste treatment solution (Lebanon)


Evaluation of performance and
the impact of a biogas startup (ENGIE Rassembleurs d'Energies)

Reporting of field data for a
second investment in the impact start-up


Support for the reduction-recovery of waste on a

Improving waste management practices at a construction site in an isolated environment (Mozambique)

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Development of educational content on ecological transition (HEC Paris)

Train students on major issues
transition and the circular economy


Appui genre à des ONG spécialisées dans l'eau et l'assainissement

Accompagnement des ONG lauréates de la FISONG "Participation citoyenne dans l'eau et l'assainissement"

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Gender support for NGOs specializing in waste management

Support for FISONG 2022 winning NGOs ("Social and inclusive entrepreneurship, vector of solutions for waste prevention and management") in integrating gender issues


Evaluation of the ALISOTA project (Gret)

Evaluation of a solid and liquid sanitation development program in three peripheral municipalities of Antananarivo (Madagascar)


Study and experimentation of a low-tech cultural device (ADEME)

Study the role and means of cultural establishments to promote a low-tech culture (La Villette, Ile-de France)


Support for the deployment of an energy efficiency solution (Fasep)

Support for the commercial development of a smart lighting solution in Africa and obtaining funding (Tunisia, Rwanda). FASEP. 


Final evaluation of the PAGEDS project (Promoting Actions for the Management of
Waste in the South)

Partners: GRET, Cefrepade, CIEDEL, ResaCoop, Gevalor, Centraider)


Support for a FASEP funding application

business development of
waste composting solution
organic  (Colombia)


Preliminary study for the implementation
place of an inclusive recycling project (Danone Ecosystem)

Structure a fundraising project and
household waste recycling with informal workers to reduce the impact
of plastics emitted on the market (Morocco)

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Field studies for the construction of technical landfill centers (SUEZ)

Evaluate the opportunities for setting up and the prefeasibility of a technical landfill (Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania)

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Evaluation of the benefits of a project
fight against food waste

Analyze impact for commercial deployment and fundraising (India)

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Pre-diagnosis supervision
territorial as part of the training
Circular Design

Support for students of the Circular Design course for the implementation of projects in the Circular District of Paris 19th

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